When a local news crew invited me to investigate Thunderbird Lodge I was thrilled. The Thunderbird Lodge is our state's answer to Whaley House and Winchester House. Once owned by reclusive millionaire George Whittell, the lodge is a must see for anyone interesed in history and ghosts. I felt that there was some spirit energy on the property and that most of the haunting activity occurs in the boathouse (see photo at left) and in the pool house.
The Thunderbird was George Whittell's pride and joy. But the sleek, wooden speed boat wouldn't fit in the boathouse, so he decided to convert it to an indoor pool and build a bigger boathouse. While working in the poolhouse, a laborer fell from a ladder and was killed. George Whittell ordered everything left just as it was and had the room sealed up.
There is a general feeling that there is activity in this particular area. While the news crew and I tried to record EVP we listened as water dripped in the room. My husband who was standing a few feet away remarked that the water dripping sounded almost like voices. The only discernable sounds I was able to record on this night were those of loud, rythmic knocking in the boathouse.
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